Social Rebalancing and Market Governance

Date: September 11, 2024

Event: Supported Webinar

Time: 09:00-09:45 am (DK) / 03:00-03:45 pm (CN)


This webinar is part of the webinar series 'Staying in Dialogue with China'. The series will bring you six webinars with distinguished China-based experts, concentrated between April and October 2024.

'Staying in Dialogue with China' is organized and hosted by China Macro Group (CMG), with Caixin Global as Anchor Partner, in cooperation with the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Chinaforum Bayern, Swissmem, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), the Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF), SwissCham China, the Stein  am Rhein Symposium (stars), and the Sweden-China Trade Council (SCTC).

More information to follow.

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Social Rebalancing and Market Governance

Date: September 11, 2024

Event: Supported Webinar

Time: 09:00-09:45 am (DK) / 03:00-03:45 pm (CN)


This webinar is part of the webinar series 'Staying in Dialogue with China'. The series will bring you six webinars with distinguished China-based experts, concentrated between April and October 2024.

'Staying in Dialogue with China' is organized and hosted by China Macro Group (CMG), with Caixin Global as Anchor Partner, in cooperation with the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Chinaforum Bayern, Swissmem, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), the Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF), SwissCham China, the Stein  am Rhein Symposium (stars), and the Sweden-China Trade Council (SCTC).

More information to follow.



Localisation Strategy China Business

Hoyer in Asia - Localization

Date: March 21, 2023

Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m. DK / 4:00-5:00 p.m. CN

Event: Webinar

Click here to register (for DCBF, DCCC and DCCHK members only).

Despite the predicted economic slowdown, China is still growing relatively rapidly, and continues playing an important role globally, as a market, producer and R&D operations. 
What are the factors you should take into consideration when investing in Asia, and what adjustments you need to make in order to succeed in investing in markets that differs from your home market. 
We have invited Hoyer to give us an insight on their China strategy, and how they reached peak sales during one of the toughest years for many businesses in China.

  • Hoyer’s footprint in Asia and market adjustment
  • Corporate strategy localization
  • Technical Strategy Adjustment
  • Localized sales strategies – avoid/one-size fits all
  • Agile and flexible adaption with focused strategy for different segments/sub segments

Please contact if you have any questions.

Greener together banner

Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality Part 5

Date: March 16, 2023

Time: 09:00-10:30 CET

Event: Supported Webinar


This webinar is a part of the 'Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality' campaign organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Business Association and FinnCham, and supported by the Danish-Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

In the fifth session for the "Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality" webinar series, experts will enlighten you on 'Supply Chain Carbon Emissions'. 

Members of DCBF can register for free - Click here to read more and sign up!

Communication Crosscultural

Upping Your Game Within Cross-cultural Communication!

Date: March 07, 2023

Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m. DK/4:00-5:00 p.m. CN

Event: Webinar

Click here to register (for DCBF, DCCC and DCCHK members only).

Have your ever felt puzzled about by the behavior of a global colleague and thought something along the lines of: Why didn’t they say no if they meant no? Why didn’t they say that they couldn’t meet the agreed deadline? Why didn’t they just say it like it is???

The explanation is most likely that they actually did say this! They just said it in a different way than what you’re used to.

If you want to avoid ending up in these kinds of situations in the future, the first step is to become aware of how you and your global colleagues typically prefer to communicate.

During the short webinar I’ll introduce you to the term ‘Low-high context communication’ and by using many real-life-examples and cases we will take our departure point in the difference btw DK and CN communication and you will walk away with insight and a few practical things to do and not to do to maximize your output in your cross-cultural communication.

China Business Dialogue Webinar

Post-Covid China and Foreign Business - Quo Vadis?

Date: February 24, 2023

Time: 09:00-09:45 CET

Event: Supported Webinar

This webinar is part of the webinar series 'Staying in Dialogue with China'. The  series will bring you six webinars with China-based experts, concentrated on H1, between February and June 2023.

'Staying in Dialogue with China', is organized and hosted by the Stein am Rhein Symposium (stars) in cooperation with China Macro Group (CMG),  The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF) and SwissCham China.

At this first session, stars Foundation Board Member Markus Hermann, Managing Director at China Macro Group, will be talking to Joerg Wuttke, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China ; Member, stars International Board, Beijing, about China’s economy post-Covid.

With 3%, the country in 2022 recorded the worst economic performance since 1976 – with the exception of 2020, the year Covid hit the world. A strict “zero Covid” policy that at times had put metropolitan regions that account for up to 40% of China’s GDP under lockdown, an international environment dampened by Russia’s unjustified war in Ukraine and global protectionist tendencies, as well as domestic regulatory measures – most notably in real estate – have dealt a heavy blow to the second largest economy in the world.

Now, with Covid restrictions lifted, businesses and investors wonder what 2023 might have in store, and how the Chinese economy will fare beyond 2023. Can we expect a quick recovery on the back of so-called revenge spending by consumers largely contained to their homes in 2022? Does the Chinese government manage to restore confidence among consumers and businesses and stabilize capital and real estate markets? And what do these trends and developments mean for foreign businesses and their China strategies?

Kindly note that all webinars of this series are held under Chatham House Rules and will not be recorded.

Members of DCBF can register for free - Click here to read more and sign up!


Greener together banner

Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality Part 4

Date: February 16, 2023

Time: 09:00-10:30 CET

Event: Supported Webinar


This webinar is a part of the 'Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality' campaign organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Business Association and FinnCham, and supported by the Danish-Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

Over the recent years, reducing carbon emissions has become the main sustainability issue (both for governments and for companies), globally and in China. China has set ambitious targets with peak carbon emissions in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060

These targets will have large impact on companies, some of these impacts may be:

  • New regulations, such as carbon pricing & demands for energy efficiency in new builds.
  • Shifting customer demands that focus on global commitments to emission reduction.
  • Reporting on supply chain emissions due to EU regulations.
  • Potential market opportunities for emission reducing technologies.
  • Young talents may increasingly wish to work on sustainability related issues, or within companies with good sustainability profile

Program and speakers:
1. Welcome by Anna Yip, Secretary General, DCCC, and Henrik Martens, Head of Denmark's Energy Team in China
2. Erik Kjær, Chief Advisor, Danish Energy Agency: "Green Energy development in Denmark – inspiration for China?"
3. Sharon Feng, Senior Consultant, Azure International: "Green Energy development in China – what to expect?"
4. Amelia Zheng, Comminication and Corporate Affairs Manager, Novo Nordisk: "Demand for Green Energy in China – Direct Electrification"
5. Thomas Huang, Director of New Business Strategy, Yara Fertilizers: "Demand for Green Energy in China – Indirect / Power-to-X"
6. Jingkun Li, Advisor, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP): "Opportunities and challenges in securing green energy supply for large industrial consumers in China"
7. Topsoe:"Power-to-X / Green Ammonia coming up" (TBC)
8. Q&A moderated by Henrik

Members of DCBF can register for free - Click here to read more and sign up!

Dealing with Risks in China

Dealing with Risks in China

Date: February 09, 2023

Time: 9:30 - 10:30 CET

Event: Webinar

Soft launch of the report “Sino-Danish Tech Collaboration”

DCBF invites members to this online network meeting, organized by Sense China, where the report Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration will be launched. The report is a result of the China Tech project, a collaboration between Danish-Chinese Business Forum, the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, Sense China, and the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research. 

Working in China is becoming a riskier affair for Danish companies. They are confronted with challenges across a wide spectrum of issues, from geopolitical tensions to human rights concerns. Public opinion in Denmark is adding to the pressure. Critical media coverage and tough political rhetoric are making commercial decisions more difficult to defend.

This online network meeting, organized by Sense China, examines the topic of risk management in China. Several Danish company representatives will share experiences in a confidential setting, focusing on two themes:

  • How to manage operations in a politically sensitive environment?
  • How to align business opportunities with different social values?

If you are interested in participating, please do not hesistate to contact us at


Report Launch: Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration

At the online network meeting, a new report will also be launched: Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration.

Throughout the past 10-15 years, many Danish companies and institutions have established relations with China as well as Chinese partners. These relations are today challenged by geopolitical tensions and national priorities in Beijing, Brussels, and Washington. However, technology collaboration with China creates value and is a global necessity in terms of climate change, green transition, and fighting pandemics.

This report introduces the context, potential, forms of collaboration, and ways to manage the risks associated with technology collaboration. It is prepared specifically with small and medium-sized Danish technology companies in mind and aims to help them work more confidently with existing or potential China-based partners.

Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration is a result of the China Tech project, which the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) coordinated alongside a working group consisting of the Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF), Sense China (Danish Confederation of Industries), and the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research. The Laurits Andersen Foundation provided financial support to the China Tech initiative and the report.

China Business Update

China Business Update 2023

Date: February 08, 2023

Time: 13:30 - 16:30

Event: Signature Event

Venue: Kuppelsalen, Danske Bank 

Click here to read more and register (DCBF Members only) 

About the Event

DCBF and Danske Bank invite to this Signature Event which seeks to provide important insights on the changing Chinese business environment and on how to optimize business results.

The COVID pandemic and the Zero-COVID policy has impacted China deeply, both domestically and internationally. Now, China is re-opening borders, and 2023 seems to become a remarkably different year than the previous 3 years.

What can we expect from the coming year?

Join us for this Signature Event, where we will delve into the domestic and international developments in China. We have invited a line-up of excellent speakers to provide their insights on a range of topics:

  • Economy

  • Security Policy

  • COVID Implications

  • Logistics

  • Strategic Considerations

If you have any questions about the event please do not hesitate to contact Communications & Project Manager Rasmus Sehested Thormann at

Brand Awareness China

How to Approach Your Target Audiences and Expand Brand Awareness in China Today

Date: February 07, 2023

Time: 9:00-10:00 a.m. DK/4:00-5:00 p.m. CN

Event: Webinar

Click here to register (for DCBF, DCCC and DCCHK members only).

Amongst a sea of brands, and endless content, one of the biggest challenges brands face today is effectively connecting with their target audience, both online and offline. Often, marketing initiatives can feel like marketing into the void, without direct and tangible results. With an ever-changing communicational landscape, and ever-increasing number of touchpoints, what we aim to explore is how to avoid exactly that. In this webinar we will try and provide some insights around how to effectively reach your target audience, in a cost-efficient way through "KOL Grass Planting" and "Circling Effect".

Siyu is the Head of Marketing, Georg Jensen China. Before joining in Georg Jensen, Siyu has more than 9 years of experience in PR and EPR in the fashion industry. Siyu has extensive experience in both luxury branding as well as fast fashion brands, as both in-house, as well as with a number of top tier agencies. 

Guest speaker: Stefano Censi, GM Georg Jensen China.




Greener together banner

Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality Part 3

Date: January 19, 2023

Time: 09:00-10:30 CET

Event: Supported Webinar


This webinar is a part of the 'Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality' campaign organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Business Association and FinnCham, and supported by the Danish-Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

In the third session for the "Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality" webinar series, three experts enlighten you on how to calculate and understand emissions. Learning how to measure or calculate carbon emissions allows you to determine the actual amount that your company is emitting, and to implement the measures to reduce emissions towards carbon neutrality, which in China's target by 2060.

Speakers for the event:

  • Dr Jiang Nanqing, Secretary-General, Committee of Green Circular and Inclusive Development of All-China Environment Federation (CGCI-ACEF).
  • Timo Roschier, Meteorologist, Vaisala.
  • Ma Jingjing, CEO, NORDIQ Group China.


Click here to read more and sign up!

Localisation Strategy China Business

Hoyer in Asia - Localization

Date: March 21, 2023

Event: Webinar

Click here to register (for DCBF, DCCC and DCCHK members only).

Despite the predicted economic slowdown, China is still growing relatively rapidly, and continues playing an important role globally, as a market, producer and R&D operations. 
What are the factors you should take into consideration when investing in Asia, and what adjustments you need to make in order to succeed in investing in markets that differs from your home market. 
We have invited Hoyer to give us an insight on their China strategy, and how they reached peak sales during one of the toughest years for many businesses in China.

  • Hoyer’s footprint in Asia and market adjustment
  • Corporate strategy localization
  • Technical Strategy Adjustment
  • Localized sales strategies – avoid/one-size fits all
  • Agile and flexible adaption with focused strategy for different segments/sub segments

Please contact if you have any questions.

Greener together banner

Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality Part 5

Date: March 16, 2023

Event: Supported Webinar


This webinar is a part of the 'Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality' campaign organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Business Association and FinnCham, and supported by the Danish-Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

In the fifth session for the "Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality" webinar series, experts will enlighten you on 'Supply Chain Carbon Emissions'. 

Members of DCBF can register for free - Click here to read more and sign up!

Communication Crosscultural

Upping Your Game Within Cross-cultural Communication!

Date: March 07, 2023

Event: Webinar

Click here to register (for DCBF, DCCC and DCCHK members only).

Have your ever felt puzzled about by the behavior of a global colleague and thought something along the lines of: Why didn’t they say no if they meant no? Why didn’t they say that they couldn’t meet the agreed deadline? Why didn’t they just say it like it is???

The explanation is most likely that they actually did say this! They just said it in a different way than what you’re used to.

If you want to avoid ending up in these kinds of situations in the future, the first step is to become aware of how you and your global colleagues typically prefer to communicate.

During the short webinar I’ll introduce you to the term ‘Low-high context communication’ and by using many real-life-examples and cases we will take our departure point in the difference btw DK and CN communication and you will walk away with insight and a few practical things to do and not to do to maximize your output in your cross-cultural communication.

China Business Dialogue Webinar

Post-Covid China and Foreign Business - Quo Vadis?

Date: February 24, 2023

Event: Supported Webinar

This webinar is part of the webinar series 'Staying in Dialogue with China'. The  series will bring you six webinars with China-based experts, concentrated on H1, between February and June 2023.

'Staying in Dialogue with China', is organized and hosted by the Stein am Rhein Symposium (stars) in cooperation with China Macro Group (CMG),  The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF) and SwissCham China.

At this first session, stars Foundation Board Member Markus Hermann, Managing Director at China Macro Group, will be talking to Joerg Wuttke, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China ; Member, stars International Board, Beijing, about China’s economy post-Covid.

With 3%, the country in 2022 recorded the worst economic performance since 1976 – with the exception of 2020, the year Covid hit the world. A strict “zero Covid” policy that at times had put metropolitan regions that account for up to 40% of China’s GDP under lockdown, an international environment dampened by Russia’s unjustified war in Ukraine and global protectionist tendencies, as well as domestic regulatory measures – most notably in real estate – have dealt a heavy blow to the second largest economy in the world.

Now, with Covid restrictions lifted, businesses and investors wonder what 2023 might have in store, and how the Chinese economy will fare beyond 2023. Can we expect a quick recovery on the back of so-called revenge spending by consumers largely contained to their homes in 2022? Does the Chinese government manage to restore confidence among consumers and businesses and stabilize capital and real estate markets? And what do these trends and developments mean for foreign businesses and their China strategies?

Kindly note that all webinars of this series are held under Chatham House Rules and will not be recorded.

Members of DCBF can register for free - Click here to read more and sign up!


Greener together banner

Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality Part 4

Date: February 16, 2023

Event: Supported Webinar


This webinar is a part of the 'Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality' campaign organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Business Association and FinnCham, and supported by the Danish-Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

Over the recent years, reducing carbon emissions has become the main sustainability issue (both for governments and for companies), globally and in China. China has set ambitious targets with peak carbon emissions in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060

These targets will have large impact on companies, some of these impacts may be:

  • New regulations, such as carbon pricing & demands for energy efficiency in new builds.
  • Shifting customer demands that focus on global commitments to emission reduction.
  • Reporting on supply chain emissions due to EU regulations.
  • Potential market opportunities for emission reducing technologies.
  • Young talents may increasingly wish to work on sustainability related issues, or within companies with good sustainability profile

Program and speakers:
1. Welcome by Anna Yip, Secretary General, DCCC, and Henrik Martens, Head of Denmark's Energy Team in China
2. Erik Kjær, Chief Advisor, Danish Energy Agency: "Green Energy development in Denmark – inspiration for China?"
3. Sharon Feng, Senior Consultant, Azure International: "Green Energy development in China – what to expect?"
4. Amelia Zheng, Comminication and Corporate Affairs Manager, Novo Nordisk: "Demand for Green Energy in China – Direct Electrification"
5. Thomas Huang, Director of New Business Strategy, Yara Fertilizers: "Demand for Green Energy in China – Indirect / Power-to-X"
6. Jingkun Li, Advisor, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP): "Opportunities and challenges in securing green energy supply for large industrial consumers in China"
7. Topsoe:"Power-to-X / Green Ammonia coming up" (TBC)
8. Q&A moderated by Henrik

Members of DCBF can register for free - Click here to read more and sign up!

Dealing with Risks in China

Dealing with Risks in China

Date: February 09, 2023

Event: Webinar

Soft launch of the report “Sino-Danish Tech Collaboration”

DCBF invites members to this online network meeting, organized by Sense China, where the report Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration will be launched. The report is a result of the China Tech project, a collaboration between Danish-Chinese Business Forum, the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, Sense China, and the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research. 

Working in China is becoming a riskier affair for Danish companies. They are confronted with challenges across a wide spectrum of issues, from geopolitical tensions to human rights concerns. Public opinion in Denmark is adding to the pressure. Critical media coverage and tough political rhetoric are making commercial decisions more difficult to defend.

This online network meeting, organized by Sense China, examines the topic of risk management in China. Several Danish company representatives will share experiences in a confidential setting, focusing on two themes:

  • How to manage operations in a politically sensitive environment?
  • How to align business opportunities with different social values?

If you are interested in participating, please do not hesistate to contact us at


Report Launch: Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration

At the online network meeting, a new report will also be launched: Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration.

Throughout the past 10-15 years, many Danish companies and institutions have established relations with China as well as Chinese partners. These relations are today challenged by geopolitical tensions and national priorities in Beijing, Brussels, and Washington. However, technology collaboration with China creates value and is a global necessity in terms of climate change, green transition, and fighting pandemics.

This report introduces the context, potential, forms of collaboration, and ways to manage the risks associated with technology collaboration. It is prepared specifically with small and medium-sized Danish technology companies in mind and aims to help them work more confidently with existing or potential China-based partners.

Sino-Danish Technology Collaboration is a result of the China Tech project, which the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) coordinated alongside a working group consisting of the Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF), Sense China (Danish Confederation of Industries), and the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research. The Laurits Andersen Foundation provided financial support to the China Tech initiative and the report.

China Business Update

China Business Update 2023

Date: February 08, 2023

Event: Signature Event

Venue: Kuppelsalen, Danske Bank 

Click here to read more and register (DCBF Members only) 

About the Event

DCBF and Danske Bank invite to this Signature Event which seeks to provide important insights on the changing Chinese business environment and on how to optimize business results.

The COVID pandemic and the Zero-COVID policy has impacted China deeply, both domestically and internationally. Now, China is re-opening borders, and 2023 seems to become a remarkably different year than the previous 3 years.

What can we expect from the coming year?

Join us for this Signature Event, where we will delve into the domestic and international developments in China. We have invited a line-up of excellent speakers to provide their insights on a range of topics:

  • Economy

  • Security Policy

  • COVID Implications

  • Logistics

  • Strategic Considerations

If you have any questions about the event please do not hesitate to contact Communications & Project Manager Rasmus Sehested Thormann at

Brand Awareness China

How to Approach Your Target Audiences and Expand Brand Awareness in China Today

Date: February 07, 2023

Event: Webinar

Click here to register (for DCBF, DCCC and DCCHK members only).

Amongst a sea of brands, and endless content, one of the biggest challenges brands face today is effectively connecting with their target audience, both online and offline. Often, marketing initiatives can feel like marketing into the void, without direct and tangible results. With an ever-changing communicational landscape, and ever-increasing number of touchpoints, what we aim to explore is how to avoid exactly that. In this webinar we will try and provide some insights around how to effectively reach your target audience, in a cost-efficient way through "KOL Grass Planting" and "Circling Effect".

Siyu is the Head of Marketing, Georg Jensen China. Before joining in Georg Jensen, Siyu has more than 9 years of experience in PR and EPR in the fashion industry. Siyu has extensive experience in both luxury branding as well as fast fashion brands, as both in-house, as well as with a number of top tier agencies. 

Guest speaker: Stefano Censi, GM Georg Jensen China.




Greener together banner

Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality Part 3

Date: January 19, 2023

Event: Supported Webinar


This webinar is a part of the 'Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality' campaign organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Business Association and FinnCham, and supported by the Danish-Chinese Business Forum in Denmark.

In the third session for the "Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality" webinar series, three experts enlighten you on how to calculate and understand emissions. Learning how to measure or calculate carbon emissions allows you to determine the actual amount that your company is emitting, and to implement the measures to reduce emissions towards carbon neutrality, which in China's target by 2060.

Speakers for the event:

  • Dr Jiang Nanqing, Secretary-General, Committee of Green Circular and Inclusive Development of All-China Environment Federation (CGCI-ACEF).
  • Timo Roschier, Meteorologist, Vaisala.
  • Ma Jingjing, CEO, NORDIQ Group China.


Click here to read more and sign up!