On the 22nd of April, 2021, Danish-Chinese Business Forum successfully executed this year’s Annual General Meeting. The event took place online but was engaging nonetheless, in large part due to the extremely interesting and professional presentations by Jørgen Delman, Professor Emeritus at the University of Copenhagen and Co-founder of ThinkChina and Jens Eskelund, Vice President of EUCCC and Senior Director at Maersk China. Their insightful presentations on China’s 14th5-Year Plan and its implications for Danish businesses were definitely a highlight.
There were also a few rotations of the Board of Directors this year. First of all, on behalf of DCBF and all DCBF Board members, we would like to thank Kasper Elbjørn, from Carlsberg and Kirstine Damkjær from EKF for their involvement. They have been internally replaced by Christian Wulff Søndergaard, Vice President of Global Corporate Affairs at Carlsberg, and Jørgen Bollesen, Chief Consultant at EKF. Furthermore, a huge thank you to the Board members who have chosen to step down this year for all their contributions: Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, Professor Ph.D., Asia Research Centre at Copenhagen Business School, Michael Bindseil, Executive Vice President International at COWI A/S and Steffen Schiottz-Christensen, Vice President North Asia, IFU.
Finally, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the new elected members of the DCBF Board of Directors; Henrik Wiboltt, Senior Vice President for Sales and Marketing at Foss, Peter Trampe, CEO of Etradan and Verner Hemmeken, CEO of Royal Arctic Line. We look forward to working with you in the future!
You can find the full Board of Directors here.