The quarterly Danish Businss Outlook on China (DBOC) has been released for Q3, 2024

In Q3 of 2024, the aggregate short-term outlook of Danish companies remains in positive territory for the second quarter, with the index number almost positioning at a neutral level. The overall sentiment is especially driven by an improved sentiment with regards to sourcing from China, while outlook on sales in China is deteriorating. 

The sentiment among respondents based in Denmark showed a shift towards optimism, with their index rising compared to Q2. In contrast, respondents based in China saw their index decline, reflecting a slight dip in sentiment. This marks a reversal of the previous quarter, where China-based respondents had a more positive outlook compared to those in Denmark. 

Read the full report here for more information.

The DBOC tracks changes in the short-term outlook of Danish companies doing business in China. The index is a joint initiative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Beijing, Danish Chamber of Commerce in China (DCCC), Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF) and Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC).