The Survey of Danish Companies in China estimates the significance of China to Danish businesses by offering a comprehensive overview of their activities, the opportunities and challenges encountered, and their outlook on future operations in China.

We are happy to announce the publication of the ‘Survey of Danish Companies in China 2024’ in collaboration with the Danish missions in China, the Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC), Danish Export Association (DEA), Danish Industry (DI) and the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC).

This third report in the series compares the findings with those from 2020 and 2022, reaffirming a consistent conclusion: China remains crucial for the global performance of Danish companies. Key findings from the survey include:

  • Nearly half of the surveyed companies rank China as a top-two market.

  • Yet, Danish companies face significant political and economic challenges, particularly concerns over China's economic trajectory.

  • Despite its high ranking, China is losing attractiveness due to rising geopolitical tensions, driving companies to adopt risk-mitigation strategies.

  • In their perception, Chinese competitiveness is increasing.

  • Despite above challenges, many Danish companies plan to expand operations, expecting increased turnover over the coming years.


You can find the full report here.

With a record number of participants, this survey offers a comprehensive view of the latest developments in how Danish businesses across industries perceive their China activities in 2024. We thank all DCBF member organizations that support the initiative.