We are pleased to announce the return of this webinar series!

The series will bring you six webinars with distinguished China-based experts, concentrated between April and October 2024.

After 45 years of exceptional development and growth, structural complexities in China's political economy are becoming increasingly challenging, calling for policymakers to skillfully navigate China's economy towards the proclaimed 'High-Quality-Development'. To make sense of these complexities and potential policy conundrums that shape the strategic context for foreign businesses, the China Macro Group (CMG) looks at China's political economy and evolving policy environment by way of six structural transitions - three longer-term transitions that China embarked on with the 'reform and opening up' (改革开放) period, and three more recent transitions involving policy-steered trade-offs and rebalancing. 

'Staying in Dialogue with China' is organized and hosted by China Macro Group (CMG), with Caixin Global as Anchor Partner, in cooperation with the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Chinaforum Bayern, Swissmem, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC), the Danish-Chinese Business Forum (DCBF), SwissCham China, the Stein  am Rhein Symposium (stars), and the Sweden-China Trade Council (SCTC).

You can find an overview of the webinars by clicking here!